Creating a love of drawing : The ability to see and be present
Intensity rating
Fair to Moderate
6 weeks
Drawing workshops have been designed for Creatives wishing to learn and explore the art and Hartspace of drawing. Drawing is the fundamental basis of all creative work, as it not only provides a lifelong skill, but also changes the way in which we visually see the world around us. Learning to draw is less about mastering any specific tool or technique, and more about learning to see accurately, holistically and being present in the moment. Drawing what you are seeing at that present moment, without being distracted by preconceived ideas, makes for a convincing, heartfelt drawing. The exercises presented give the participant the skills to see – to really see – taking our visual awareness from a conscious effort to a subconscious, natural response to our environment. Learning to ‘see’ opens up avenues of exploration often neglected – creating an awareness and an appreciation for all that is our world.
About this class
- Duration: 6 weeks
- Weekdays 09h30 – 12h00 / 14h00 – 16h30 / 17h00 – 19h30
- Cost R1250 excluding materials
- A materials list is available or materials can be ordered through the Hartspace studio
- Pre-bookings essential
- Workshops run with a minimum of 4 participants
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What you will learn
- To be in the present – mindfulness practice
- An introduction to the art of seeing
- An introduction to the art of drawing
- An understanding of line, tone, texture, space, three-dimensional form and composition
- An introduction to drawing methods and techniques
- How to identify strong workable and creative compositions
- How to create your own unique drawing
For information on future drawing workshops, please contact the Hartspace studio or visit our Facebook page.
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